Au fil de saynètes captivantes, de jeunes gens en quête d’une colocation recherchent la perle rare avec qui partager leur espace et leurs valeurs. Portrait complexe et attachant d’une génération habituée à sortir toutes les cartes de son identité, Cohabiter dessine une mosaïque de cultures et d’idées, où se croisent dans un mouvement constant les notions de communauté, d’individualisme et de droit au logement.
In a series of captivating encounters, several young people try to find the ideal roommate, that rare gem with whom they can share their space—and their values. A complex and engaging picture of a generation accustomed to playing all their identity cards, Living Together maps a mosaic of cultures and ideas, with explorations of community, individualism and the right to housing in constant interplay.
Graduated from UQAC’s art master, Louis Moulin embrace Cinema has his favorite form of expression. Between filmmaker and director of photography, the image takes a central place in his work. Looking for contemplation in his frames, he gives them precision and simplicity with a unique force in them. We can mention his last documentary short film “I am here”, in which he paints a living portrait of four protagonists, or his very first documentary “Tshiuetin or the slowness of the north” taking place in a contemplative journey aboard the Tshiuetin train.
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